
Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

Jimmy Savile

Vor einem Jahr ist Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile, OBE, KCSG, LLD, gestorben. Ich konnte im August, als ich ihn in den Post ➱Jogginghosen hineinschrieb, nicht wissen, was jetzt ganz England weiß. Was ganz England erschüttert. Innerhalb von Wochen ist der Wohltäter, der liebenswerte Exzentriker, zu einem ➯Kinderschänder geworden. Wer sich letztens bei der Auktion irgendwelche Jimmy Savile Devotionalien (zum Beispiel seine Jogginghosen) ersteigert hat, wird sich jetzt überlegen, was die noch wert sind. Manche stehen allerdings zu ihren Käufen wie Mr Barr aus Derby, der dem Derby Telegraph sagte:

I'm certainly not going to set fire to my coat, which has been suggested to me. I think a lot of the stuff being printed in the press is nonsense. People are climbing on the bandwagon and the newspapers are loving it – they can't be sued for libel because he's dead. OK, there may be a grain of truth in the accusations but on the other side of the coin he raised a hell of a lot of money for charitable causes. I'm not burning the coat, I'm keeping it. It's an unusual and useful coat, it keeps me warm and goes well with my 1970s car. It's historical. People still collect stuff that belonged to Jack the Ripper because they're historical pieces. Dazu kann man nur sagen: Sammler! Denen ist nicht zu helfen, ob sie nun Überraschungseier sammeln, die Kostüme von Mrs Thatcher oder die Jogginghosen von Jimmy Savile.

Wahrscheinlich wird man bald in der London Gazette lesen können, dass ihm die Königin seinen Titel, den er for services to charity bekam, entzogen hat. Der Vatikan hat da größere Schwierigkeiten, offensichtlich kann man einem Ritter des Ordine Equestre Pontificio di San Gregorio Magno seinen Titel nicht nachträglich aberkennen. Aber der offizielle Sprecher des Vatikans Federico Lombardi bemühte sich in einem Interview der BBC zu sagen, dass der Vatikan firmly condemns the horrible crimes of sexual abuse of minors. Das klingt nun wieder ungewollt komisch, das sagen sie zwar immer, aber katholische Kirche und Pädophilie, das ist so ein Thema.

Es scheint immer klarer zu werden, dass die BBC das alles schon länger gewusst hat (und jetzt hängt auch noch ➱Gary Glitter da mit drin), da werden sicher noch Köpfe rollen. Und Mark Thompson, der neue Chef der New York Times, wird das vielleicht auch nicht lange bleiben, weil er vor seinem amerikanischen Engagement Chef der BBC war. Im Zweifelsfall hat er natürlich nichts gewusst, die Sache mit den drei Affen funktioniert doch immer. Wer sich nicht weggeduckt hat, ist die Familie von Jimmy Savile. Sein Neffe Roger Foster hat ein Statement abgegeben, das ein Meisterwerk der rhetorischen Formulierung ist; es wäre schön, wenn jedes Wort davon wahr wäre:

A year ago our uncle, Sir Jimmy Savile, passed away. It was a shock when it happened as I had only seen him the week before and although seeming under the weather, I had no concerns over his wellbeing. A week later he was dead and my cousin and I were left with the task of organising his funeral.We were proud of him. Proud of his achievements and the help he had been able to give to others.  We knew nothing of the firestorm of allegations to come. We set out to organise the funeral knowing that he was well respected by many, many thousands of people. We knew that the funeral was going to grow because so many people wanted to be a part of the celebration of his life. We felt so honoured that so many wanted to remember him and mark his passing.

As time passed, the grieving process enabled us to come to terms with his death. By the time summer arrived we were getting ready for the auction of his possessions so that, as he requested in his will, the money could go to his charities. It was a great success. We became aware of the programme that was being made with allegations of a darker side to him that we knew nothing about. I watched the programme in horror and could not believe that these allegations were about our uncle. This wasn’t the man we knew and loved. Like everyone else we asked the question, Why now? We couldn’t find an answer. The allegations kept coming and were beginning to overwhelm us. Media were chasing us asking for interviews as family members.

The allegations are very serious and we began to have doubts as to our own feeling towards our uncle. How could the person we thought we knew and loved do such a thing? Why would a man who raised so much money for charity, who gave so much of his own time and energy for others risk it all doing indecent criminal acts? How could anyone live their life doing the ‘most good and most evil’ at the same time? We became more aware of the outrage that many members of the public were feeling.

We began to think that his headstone, which we had only unveiled a couple of weeks earlier could become a target for people wishing to show their emotions. The dignity of the cemetery, the people who are buried there and the relatives who tend the graves had to be respected. We took the decision to remove and destroy the headstone so that it couldn’t become a focus for malicious people. The decision was a difficult one to make but we knew it was the right one.

A vilification of his name, his achievements and everything he stood for followed. People are moving as quickly as possible to disassociate themselves from him. His charities, which he was so proud of, debated the prospect of removing his name from their title. The trustees have since decided that this wasn’t enough and that the charities will have to be wound up and the monies given to other charities working in a similar field. Records of all his efforts and the good work he had done, have been, or are in the process of being removed.

We recognise that even our own despair and sadness does not compare to that felt by the victims. Our thoughts and our prayers are with those who have suffered from every kind of abuse over so many years and we offer our deepest sympathy in what must have been a terrible time for all of them. We can understand their reluctance to say anything earlier and can appreciate the courage it has taken to speak out now. Our hearts go out to them and we offer them our sympathy and understanding in their anguish.

Where will it all end? Who knows? The repercussions of this scandal are enormous. We, as his closest family, have to endure further revelations on a daily basis. 
Our feelings are in turmoil as we await the next turn of events.

William Shakespeare hätte das kürzer gesagt: The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. Den gerade erst aufgestellten Grabstein (unter dem er mit seinen Jogginghosen in einem goldenen Sarg liegt) mit der goldenen Schrift It Was Good While It Lasted hat die Familie entfernen lassen. Das ist auch gut so, It Was Good While It Lasted ist angesichts der täglich neuen Meldungen doch ein bisschen zu viel. Da kann man nur mit Gerard Way von My Chemical Romance sagen:

I'll tell you all how the story ends
Where the good guys die and the bad guys win (who cares?)
It ain't about all the friends you made
But the graffiti they write on your grave

Wo kein Grab ist, gibt es auch keine Graffiti, the evil that men do lives after them.

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