
Samstag, 9. Mai 2020

The Lady is a Tramp

Lena Horne hat The Lady is a Tramp häufig gesungen, auch in Monte Carlo. James Baldwin hat die Sängerin in sein Gedicht Le sporting-club de Monte Carlo (for Lena Horne) hineingeschrieben:

The lady is a tramp
a camp
a lamp

The lady is a sight
a might
a light
the lady devastated
an alley or two
reverberated through the valley
which leads to me, and you

the lady is the apple
of God's eye:
He's cool enough about it
but He tends to strut a little
when she passes by

the lady is a wonder
daughter of the thunder
smashing cages
legislating rages
with the voice of ages
singing us through.

Lena Horne ist heute vor zehn Jahren gestorben. Sie war nicht nur eine Sängerin und Schauspielerin, sie hat auch ihr Leben lang für das Civil Rights Movement gekämpft. Auch das steht in Baldwins Gedicht, wenn er von smashing cages legislating rages with the voice of ages singing us through spricht. Sie hatte ihre Rolle früh gefunden: In my early days I was a sepia Hedy Lamarr. Now I’m black and a woman, singing my own way, hat sie einmal gesagt. Als sie im Alter von 92 Jahren starb, hat Präsident Obama ihr Leben gewürdigt:

Michelle and I were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Lena Horne -- one of our nation's most cherished entertainers. Over the years, she warmed the hearts of countless Americans with her beautiful voice and dramatic performances on screen. From the time her grandmother signed her up for an NAACP membership as a child, she worked tirelessly to further the cause of justice and equality. In 1940, she became the first African American performer to tour with an all white band. And while entertaining soldiers during World War II, she refused to perform for segregated audiences -- a principled struggle she continued well after the troops returned home. Michelle and I offer our condolences to all those who knew and loved Lena, and we join all Americans in appreciating the joy she brought to our lives and the progress she forged for our country.

Es gibt in diesem Blog schon einen Post Lena Horne, das wäre heute meine Lektüreempfehlung. Und dann möchte ich noch anmerken, dass der Post 8. Mai 1945 gestern der Post Nummer 2.500 in diesem Blog war.

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